John D. Kraus
Amateur Radio Club

     Dr. John D. Kraus, W8JK

W8JK in Ohio QSO Party

Last Saturday [August 28, 2010] I operated W8JK in the Ohio QSO party, and made 289 contacts.
This is a ham radio contest where everyone in Ohio contacts stations outside Ohio, and vice versa. Ohio-to-Ohio is also OK. Less populated Ohio counties are popular, so many mobile stations drove around the state and operated from those counties.


W8JK Field Day Results

During the recent Field Day event, W8JK contacted 72 stations in all parts of the USA, using the SSB mode. The 40, 20 and 10 meter bands were used, with a horizontal loop antenna. There were 5 operators. I have the log.


John Kraus station W8JK in Field Day June 25, 26, 27, 2010

-Bob Dixon

The big ham radio event called Field Day is this weekend (June 25, 26, 27, 2010). Thousands of hams throughout the USA and Canada will be operating in the field independent of commercial power etc. This is a disaster preparedness rehearsal held each year at this time.

The Delaware Amateur Radio Club is operating 5 stations with their call sign K8ES. In addition they are operating a 6th station called the Get On The Air (GOTA) station, using the call sign W8JK. This station is for demonstration purposes and is operated by hams who are relative inactive, and by members of the general public (under supervision).

The event is at the Scioto Township park, located on route 36 west of Delaware, Ohio, between Section Line and Klondike Roads.

Antenna setup for the event begins at 2 PM Friday. There is one big trailer-mounted tower (100 ft high), many pipe masts, and many ropes are run over big trees using pneumatic tennis ball launchers. The on-air operation runs continuously around the clock from 2 PM Saturday to 2 PM Sunday.

I will be making an instructional video of how to erect a pipe mast safely with one person, and I will also be doing demonstrations of the tennis ball launchers as requested.

Everyone is invited to come and visit, operate if you wish, and learn more about ham radio. All ages are welcome.

To read about the 2007
Special Event Operation
use the "Past Club Operations"
link on the left.

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The John D. Kraus Memorial Amateur Radio Club
All Rights Reserved.
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